Metrology lab
Rigorous precision and controls for our manufacturing
O.M.D. has in place a fully outfitted metrology lab, adjacent to its production units. The facility is equipped with a complete and constantly updated array of high precision instruments. Thanks to this key resource, the most demanding mesureaments can be carried out regularly, in order to guarantee the highest quality and compliance of our products.
O.M.D. metrology lab is a key and strategic asset for both the company and its cusomers, that can always rely on rigorous controls on every manufacturing process.

Gleason 300GMS Gear Metrology System
Precision 3D inspection system with scanning probe for checking gear tooth profiles.
ISO17025 and A2LA certified.

Gleason 175GMM Gear inspection machine
Precision 3D inspection system with scanning probe for checking gear tooth profiles.
ISO17025 and A2LA certified.

Mitutoyo Roundtest roundness measuring system
Compact and table top instrument that satisfys the most demanding needs of cilindrity measurements.Easy and fast manual centering and leveling of inspected parts. Accurate and frictionless rotation, thanks to pneumatic support work plan.

Mitutoyo Contracer CV-2000 profilometer
The standard in surface’s profile measurement, totally suitable for every use, both in the metrology lab and in the production line.

Mitutoyo Sourftest SV-400 digital roughness meter
For plane surfaces and holes measurements.

Digital optical comparator
For accurate measuring

Parallelism measuring
To check parallel diameters, both internal and esternal

Optical comparator
Featuring a 320x camera

Hardness tester
This instrument is designed and built to measure Rockwell Hardness. It can also provide measurements useful to determine Brinnell an Vickers hardness

Holes diameter measuring
To determine the internal diameter of holes

Height gauge

Ash Technologies Inspex HD 1080p Table
HD digital optical inspection tool. Thanks to its full HD 1080p camera and led light, the device portrays clean and fluid images, with a perfect color rendering.
It also features an USB port, allowing files to be easily transferred to any flash drive or external device.